Sunday, March 30, 2014

Empty, like in real life

I'm playing GTA Online since a few months now. In the beginning, I've invested a couple of 20$ to be able to buy things faster. I don't know today why it was so important then.

I've finally succeeded in buying everything I've wanted, after some help from my friends, like Big Steve, who made me discover the mission "Rooftop Rumble", that we do and redo all night long until were loaded with cash. But what's the point?

The game says it in the description: "Money is king in Los Santos". So this is why were so much after money... But money can only be a mean, not a goal... What happens when you got everthing? -The game looses a little bit of it's interest.

You come to feel empty being even full of cash. Money is emptiness: this is what the game makes you realize. And it's just, indirectly, making you realize it faster that it's the same thing in reality...

What's important is not to be a millionaire, or start a company, but being yourself, discover the others, do what you like and love, because, and that's a fact, you will die one day, and you will not be able to enjoy anything anymore: your goods won't come with you. Acquiring expensive goods and properties has nothing to do with the meaning of life.

You don't need that much money or goods to be really happy. When somebody is in love, nothing else than the loved one matters anymore. I mean, having a bunch of money or goods won't make me happier at that time.

It will either give more meaning to my life, if it hasn't one already.

So what's left? -To show our goods just for the fun of it, impress the others, by pure vanity... as we're naturally attracted to beauty.

What you look like or what you have becomes more important that what you really are...

You become a surface.

You become non-sense.

You become emptiness.

And you know it: you've got everything everybody is striving for, by ignorance, and your life is just absurd...

That's so doubly absurd and cruel!

Those that we remember have made something valuable... Value doesn't mean money, like it came to mean today everywhere in this empty world.

Sometimes, doing something valuable comes with money, but very often in history, it comes rather with nothing else but the reward of having done the right thing... the one lighting up the passion in us, giving sense and meaning to our life.

If you are poor, you're not alone: most of the great artists we revere today and use to nourish our snobism were poor, but they passed on to history. They gave us beauty, perfection, originality, vision and inspiration...

Worshipping money will make you go to oblivion, like you never existed...

Do something valuable. Change your life. Love what you do. Give yourself to your passion, now.

Finding a "good job" is not a goal in life...

Create yourself.

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